Tria Laser

Doing away with unwanted fuzz is a constant and basic exercise, but it can become a tedious workout to keep in tip top shape. Almost daily having to trim your whiskers, tweezing, or waxing, shaving, Sugaring and Threading (to mention just a few of the chores in the list of displeasure that we subject ourselves to in order to keep “in shape”). Whether it is for the sake of modeling a perfect bikini line, or sculpting the perfect eyebrows, these little repetitions that we have to go through can become unpleasant at times.

It goes without saying that Laser hair removal is up-to-date the most improved and even fashionable method of hair removal, promising the possibility of removing unwanted hair “once and for all” – so to say. It’s been around since 1995 when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) OK'd the first laser hair removal device. And has improved up to the point where you can now do it yourself, and administer a painless dose of concentrated light to remove unwanted hair quickly, painlessly, and efficiently.

Tria is one enterprise that has made Light-based hair removal their legacy, and uniquely pushed the boundaries of technology in the area of skincare to a liberating extent. Tria laser hair removal is just one division of a wide sophisticated facility and product-range in the area of light- and laser-based skincare & beauty preferred by dermatologists. The Tria selection of products, offer a range of innovative solutions to anti-aging, and general skincare and treatment.

Tria hair removal being but one of their forward-thinking innovations, offering quality Hair-removal solutions that are not only medically commendable, but affordable too; Of which their most trendy invention is the Tria Laser – an elegant and precise hand-held hair removal device that makes removing unwanted hair a breeze.

The Tria laser is specifically designed to be accessible and precise enough to be used effectively by anyone to remove unwanted hair from any specific area of the body, without a visit to their local physician, and in the comfort of their own home.

Tria hair removal has combined sleekness of design with an easy and emancipating experience in the Tria laser and repeatedly improves on the experience with every new design.
Tria hair removal lasers have in general been avowed to have at least three times the hair-removal capability of other similar products, and are the only apparatus that are endorsed for personal home use. Hand-Held Lasers come in different shapes & sizes to fit your profile, and are safe and easy to use.

The Tria laser is undoubtedly an highly acclaimed solution for the permanent removal of unwanted hair from the any area of the body with the kind of accuracy that allows for selective removal even of single coarse hairs; leaving nearby skin undamaged. The Process of using Tria hair removal devices, involves momentary pulses of light that lasts a fraction of a second that can also focus on larger areas of hair-growth at once. With an almost predictable 70% reduction in hair growth over treated areas within the first month, Tria laser hair removal solutions leave the impression of being a good reason to do away with tweezers, gizmos and to reward oneself with a more lasting and liberating solution.